The Gambler

Have you ever imagined what it would be like to sit next to a 300-pound pig on an airplane? It happened once--a pig traveling in first class as someone's "therapeutic companion." You can guess how well that turned out. As the pig panicked, passengers scrambled, and chaos took over the cabin. This story serves as a vivid reminder that pride can be just as disruptive--even when it seems justified. Pride often feels like a reasonable companion, something you think you can bring along for the ride without consequence. But like that 300-pound pig, pride will eventually turn restless and disturb everything around it. Paul, in Philippians, contrasts this chaos with the quiet power of humility. After looking at Christ's perfect humility and Timothy's devotion, Paul turns to a lesser-known man named Epaphroditus. Unlike pride, Epaphroditus lived in such a way that he made the journey better for everyone else. He was Paul's "brother," "fellow worker," and "fellow soldier"--titles that speak to a life lived for others and a commitment to advancing the gospel, no matter the personal cost. Epaphroditus didn't get any medals or spotlight moments. In fact, he risked everything, even to the point of almost dying, to serve Paul and the church at Philippi. His story is a testament to humility--to showing up, serving faithfully, and genuinely caring for others. While pride demands attention and disrupts the peace, humility, like Epaphroditus' example, leaves an imprint of love, service, and sacrifice. Today, as you listen to this message, ask yourself: What’s riding with you? Are you letting pride take up space in your first-class cabin, or are you striving to live like Epaphroditus—humble, serving, and selfless? The choice can make all the difference in the journey, both for you and for those around you.

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